Client: "What muscle am I working on this exercise?"
Client: "I only want to do exercises for my [insert body part - arms, glutes, thighs]."
Client: "I have a pain here [insert body part], what exercises work that?"
Central Pilates principle: it's ALL about the POWERHOUSE. Primary powerhouse is ribs to knees and all the way around (abs, obliques, back, glutes, thighs, glutes, hips). Secondary powerhouse is the shoulder girdle. Put the primary and secondary powerhouse together, add the mind-body connection (for control, not meditation or relaxation), and there is not much left. When clients ask which body part they're working on a particular exercise, powerhouse is always the best answer. Often times, the body part that is moving, or seems to be challenged most during the exercise, isn't the one that is most challenged. Clients rarely believe this until they experience it for themselves.
Any knowledgable fitness guru will tell you there is no such thing as spot reducing, all body parts need to be worked equally for body balance, all muscles need to be worked concentrically and eccentrically, and opposing muscle groups must be exercised. Joseph Pilates was an anatomy expert who designed a full-body workout, that works best when all the body parts work, and work together. It's true some Pilates exercises do more of one thing than another, but there are reasons why they're grouped a certain way. If allowed to pick and choose, most people will practice exercises they do well, not the ones they need.
So, when doing Pilates, instead of focusing on which muscle you're working, focus on getting all your muscles to work together for proper form. You'll get a much better, much deeper workout, and may be surprised to find muscles you didn't know were involved -- are sore.
Remember, it's all about the Powerhouse!
Are “They” Doing Pilates?!
6 months ago
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