Saturday, May 2, 2015

Workshop: Postural Alignment to Reduce Daily Aches & Pains

We've had a request to teach a workshop on postural alignment to reduce daily aches and pains. 

Do you wake up with at stiff neck? Ever wonder why your knees or hips hurt especially on one side? Do you find yourself slouching in your chair or while driving? Do you round your shoulders while working or driving? Do you experience low back or sciatic pain after sitting?

We'll help you feel and see how your body should be aligned and give you some tips to help keep it that way, along with stretches for when muscles get tight.

Postural Alignment to 
Reduce Daily Aches & Pains
Sat, May 16, 10:30AM
Any Body's Pilates Studio
845-1B Savannah Highway 
(Entrance on Daniel Street)
Call 843.732.3228 for more information or to register