Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Celebrate Pilates Day - Saturday, May 1, 9am - 1pm

Saturday, May 1, is "Pilates Day" and we invite you to celebrate with a special event at Any Body's Pilates.

Tell your friends - Half-price classes, demonstrations, prize giveaways and specially priced promotional packages (available May 1 ONLY)

Class size is limited, so register online or call ahead to reserve your space 843.225.6523.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pilates Challenge for Gym-Goers

A number of my clients spend a fair amount of time at the gym. They're very strong, know their bodies well, strive for good form and to challenge themselves physically. But Pilates requires different strengths, different form, and a different rhythm. The Method is conceptually challenging because it's not about how much weight or spring tension clients can handle, but the control required to release and resist spring tension. The concept is so foreign, these clients often try to power through exercises the way they would in a gym, attempting to focus on "THE working muscle" during each exercise. In Pilates, there is no muscle isolation similar to weight training. Getting past the gym mentality is often the most difficult challenge for these clients.

This is one of my favorite things about the Pilates Method. Joseph Pilates brilliantly designed an exercise program that works best when the whole body works, and works together, and that you cannot power-through. Unlike most activities in a gym, it doesn't matter how strong, how fast, how flexible, how coordinated, or how smart you are. Which is why Pilates truly is for everyone.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Trinity University Baseball Team Credits Success to Pilates

Trinity University is my alma mater, so I was pleased to see the baseball team is doing well. Even better, they credit Pilates with their success (article includes slideshow and video). So for the reluctant or dubious, who don't think Pilates is manly exercise (although Joseph Pilates was ultra-fit his whole life), or a fitness regimen in which elite athletes would be interested, check it out.

Trinity U Article

Friday, April 2, 2010

Excellent Pilates Blog & Interactive Forum

Shari Berkowitz, who owned The Vertical Workshop studio in LA, has relocated to NY. Since moving, she's started writing more. A Power Pilates Teacher Trainer, Romana-certified, she's an excellent instructor and awesome teacher trainer. She'd like to turn her blog into an interactive forum on Pilates topics -- requires readers who will take the time to share comments.

Shari's blog is a wealth of information. Amazingly, the comments, and responses to comments, are as informative as the blog. (She could turn a number of her responses into separate blog entries, they're so comprehensive and valuable.)

Check it out (there's a link on the right hand side of this page too): The Vertical Workshop Blog